Thursday, June 3, 2010

Jim Roche NJ | Adds | SoKule | to |12 Second Commute| Arsenal Submitted By Jim Roche NJ

Social media has exploded in the last few years if you haven't already noticed and Sokule is one heavy hitter, just like 12 Second Commute will be a household name... Jane Mark my words!

Internet Marketers and online business owners all over the globe have experienced the power of this monster market and as a result advertising has become big business for the social media sites.

Sokule and 12 Second Commute are hands down plain and simple good business decisions any way you look at it. If you've got an online business you need tools to manage it, you also need an easy, effective way to advertise through social media.

Both of these services are a marriage made in heaven and together with just these two services you will make your online presence seen, heard, felt and known.

If you are not using social media to advertise, you will be left behind my friend. Almost every wireless device on the planet now comes with some type of application for numerous social networks. including Facebook, Twitter and MySpace to name a few.

Sokule is giant step in evolution with the ability to send messages, updates and new posts to 42 social media websites and counting with one application, just like 12 Second Commute, everything all in one place.

Social networking has touched just about every aspect of our lives and is possibly the most significant recent contributions the internet has made to everyday life.

Sokule allows you send a post similar to the other networks but will also ping those greedy search engine spiders alerting them of the new content to help you reach more people and get more sales.

This isn't your grandmother's social network.

Sokule was designed for business and resembles Twitter in its ability to send short topical messages to not only other SoKule members (trackers) with the added benefit of posting on 42 other partner sites to unleash a powerful viral effect.

The competition is growing every day and it can be difficult to grab a potential customers attention with the overwhelming amount of information to weed through, Sokule can get your message directly to millions of people with the click of your mouse instead of just throwing your information out in the .com cosmos and hoping people see it.

Sokule much like 12 Second Commute is free to sign up and there are levels of membership that perform different functions, most marketers immediately upgrade after realizing the potential just as 12 Second Commute members upgrade to take advantage of the unlimited marketing tools for a mere $19/month.

12 Second Commute stresses the importance of list building and adding Sokule as part of your arsenal, there is no telling how big your business will explode!

Sokule even has a commission program for referrals and these pay a whopping up to fifty percent commission for anyone who upgrades to a paid membership, you can make a good profit on referrals alone.

If it sounds too good to be true, take a moment and visit the website for some more detailed information and discover how Sokule can help your business take it to the next level with social media.

Always take the high road, it is a lot less crowded and much easier to navigate.

Jim Roche NJ


The 12 Second Commute


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I am a full-time Internet Marketer who's goal is to earn residual income and I'm looking to work with serious, dedicated entrepreneurs who want the most out of life and will do whatever it takes to get it! I come from a small town that reinforces the idea of living within your means, staying in the safety of your comfort zone (not earning residual income), and becoming a slave to the system that has chewed so many people up and spit them out. Fortunately, I was able to overcome the pre-programming and start my own business that helps others learn and share in the freedom and satisfaction that entrepreneurship delivers. I have become a creature that preaches mindset and mission above all else. No matter what the end result is that you seek, it will never be found if you don't believe it to be attainable.