Sunday, December 27, 2009

Angie Mitchell Found a Residual Income Gold Mine | Savings Highway

I believe if you have enough desire and are persistent, you can achieve just about anything. The same is true for an internet business and generating a stream of residual income. We all know why we want residual income - so we can travel, spend time with our families and generally do the things we want.

Starting your own internet business is one of those things where your initial investment of time will not be rewarded very well at all, but as you keep at it, you WILL eventually be paid for every minute of the time you put in, and paid very well.

A lot of people have the delusion belief that things have already peaked with the internet, but this couldn't be any further from the truth. In fact... things are just beginning. As the economic growth continues, more and more people are discovering the internet for the first time. All these people that were never part of the .com boom now want in. That being said, it's a very good time to get your piece of the pie.

Networking marketing has become one of the most popular ways of earning residual income. However, due to constant management and business planning issues, this form of marketing is also considered as one of the riskiest techniques. Pick ONLY reputable companies that offer quality training and that show proven growth.

There are knowledgeable people with years of experience willing to show you the way and lead by example. They can show you how to earn a residual income. Heed those who tell you "You'll make thousands in no time!" because it's going to take a little while when you first get started but you will be rewarded for your efforts down the road.

You get there by making a promise to yourself - commit to a certain amount of time every day. If you can only spare 30 minutes, turn off the TV and go do it. You'll be very glad you did.

Great things start with small actions and by being persistent. Ask yourself this; is a chance at earning a residual income worth 30 minutes per day of your time? It all depends on how fast you want to get there.

When I picked my Business Opportunity, I did my research, I gathered information and made a decision to join Savings Highway 2 months later. It's extremely important to believe in what you are promoting because people are pretty good at sniffing out the "fakers." Residual income is what you want. Unfortunately, there are many opportunities available that really do an injustice to this concept. So, master the concept of residual income and you'll master your destiny!

We've all heard the story of the gold miner who toiled fruitlessly for a long time before deciding to give up and move on. He makes the decision one day that enough is enough and packs up, selling his claim to a new miner. The new person starts digging and finds the trail of gold almost immediately.

He then gets to spend the rest of his life thinking about "what if..."

The good news is there is still gold to be found and its on the internet.

Dig for gold Here and don't give up!

Angie Mitchell

My Blog

Saturday, December 26, 2009

URL Rotators | 12 Second Commute | Jim Roche NJ- Submitted by Jim Roche NJ

What Is... A URL Rotator?

And how does it work?

A URL rotator (sometimes known as page or link rotators) is a system where the same link or URL sends the visitor to different website addresses either in some rotation pattern or randomly. The service offered by URL rotators has several potential uses, particularly for those who are engaged in the work of marketing their services or products. In simple terms, a URL rotator is in charge of displaying a different web page whenever a person happens to click on your link. The URL rotator either randomly selects another URL or points to the next URL (meaning visitor A will see 1, 2, 3, 1, 2 etc as will visitor B) or the next in sequence across all visitors (meaning visitor A might see 1 then B sees 2 then A reloads and sees 3 and so on).. You submit this list of URLs to the company or person offering the rotator when you become a member of their site. The most common is that any visitor advances the sequence as the person using the rotator doesn't generally care who sees the individual sites in the sequence as long as they are all displayed equally This might be done so that one URL promotes different websites, e.g. where a group of people do a group 'co-op' advertising and they want to ensure the traffic is divided fairly and automatically.

What's the point?

In truth most people would have no legitimate use for a URL Rotator.

However, in the context of advertising, a rotator can be an extremely useful tool. Here are a few examples...

1 Single user promoting multiple sites

In this scenario, a user has a source or multiple sources of traffic that they point to their rotator. They can then customize very easily where that traffic goes. This is especially useful if they have multiple sources of traffic because they only have to change the sequence in the rotator and all the traffic from all the sources will be diverted accordingly.

2 Easily switch to promoting different sites

This is similar to the previous examples but the user again might have many traffic sources. By poining all those sources to one rotator, it's then very easy to switch from promoting site A to promoting site B.

E.g. An affiliate might abandon product A because a new product B is better with higher commissions and the marketer can instantly switch all the traffic to the new product.

Also, if product A disappears for some reason, it's much easier to just change the rotator to a new site then to have to go to all the different traffic sources changing their destination url.

3 An advertising co-op (Team Advertising)

An individual can set up an advertising co-op where members of his/her downline are invited to buy shares in an advertising pool. The organizer purchases traffic or advertising and points the traffic at the rotator. The rotator then displays the next website in sequence, ensuring that all the members of the co-op get their fair share of the traffic. It even lets people buy multiple shares in which case they have their URL in more than once and equal to the number of shares they bought.

It can also be used to divert different ratios of the traffic to different sites, e.g. 75% to site A and 25% to site B (include site A 3 times in the rotator setup and site B once).

The One that I Use

I have used many URL Rotators but the one I recommend most highly is the 12 Second Commute URL Rotator. That's largely because Darryl Graham and the trainers at the 12 Second Commute are knowledgable and committed to you success in your online marketing efforts. To learn How to set up and Manage you URL Rotators Visit the Video Training Site Here

For More Information or To Become a Member of the 12 Second Commute

Jim Roche NJ

Thursday, December 24, 2009

12 Second Commute Users Have Big Tools | Angie Mitchell

Submitted by Angie Mitchell

The Entrepreneurs who use and provide online marketing tools and services to the mammoth amount of people looking to make money online are the ones making the most money!

12 Second Commute gives you the opportunity to become one of these successful entrepreneurs!

If you've been looking for a way to make money online that is NOT going to break the bank and give you the ability to honestly and realistically make money, then this is your opportunity. There are over 100 million people looking to make money online. Every one of those 100 million people need the online marketing tools and 12 Second Commute is going to supply this if they are going to succeed, with whatever program, product or service is being sold.

I have and you can also get your piece of the Internet opportunity that will always be in demand and always be affordable.

What Exactly is 12 Second Commute?

12 Second Commute is a service that includes access to all the tools and services you need to succeed online. That's it....everything needed to run an online business - ALL IN ONE PLACE!

Who Owns 12 Second Commute?

12 Second Commute is owned and operated by ISORegister, Inc. Darryl Graham is the owner and has been successful online since 1999. All the tools included in your 12 Second Commute account have been developed to be top notch and professional-grade, yet extremely easy to use.

Darryl utilizes his time helping others learn to use the Internet to create positive income streams the correct way without all the useless hype that pervades the Internet.

When you get 12 Second Commute, you can contact Darryl personally because unlike other online businesses, Darryl makes himself available to his clients and does not hide behind an email address.

How Much Does It Cost?

You can get started for FREE as we want you to see the power of the system and test the marketing tools, then when you see the power of this system, you can easily upgrade in your members area and the cost ranges from $9.95/mth - $39.95/mth. No, that is not a typo!

You will remain a free member for a full 30 days, this should give you time to review the 12 Second Commute system and make an informed decision on how the service will benefit you.

I highly doubt it BUT in the unlikely event you decide that 12 Second Commute is not for you, you simply cancel your account. Or you do nothing and your account will be automatically deleted for you. Either way, you will NOT receive any emails asking you to come back or trying to sell you anything, and you will be permanently removed from the database forever.

Check Out My Tool Box

Angie Mitchell

My Blog

Monday, December 21, 2009

Email Autoresponders (Part 2) | 12 Second Commute | Angie Mitchell

If you are going to be successful with your online endeavours, it would be a very wise choice to have reliable, powerful and easy to use email autoresponders. 12 Second Commute will provide this tool and more complete with videos and conferences where you’ll be shown exactly how to build a quality and responsive list using the only email autoresponders and online marketing tools you will ever need in an easy to use all inclusive system.

12 Second Commute is an online tool and opportunity center unlike anything else on the Internet. Regardless of the product or service you are selling, you must have tools to succeed. This service has everything necessary to succeed in one place so you are not wasting your time and money bouncing all over the Internet to run your business.

Email autoresponders Special Features:

The special feature section of your email autoresponder contains services that you won’t use often, but they are extremely valuable assets to your online success.

Profile Variable Setup: This is a huge time saver as it allows you to setup custom variable codes that can be inserted into any message so instead of typing the same thing over and over again in your autoresponder messages, you setup the custom variable section of the site to do this for you.

There are instructions that tell you exactly how to use this feature on the Profile Variable Setup page. There are also training videos on the same.

Import email autoresponder messages and manage autoresponder export passwords: If you have or when you get a downline in any program, product or service, the Import autoresponder messages and autoresponder export passwords sections are going to be one of your best friends because it allows you to setup messages, customize those email messages and then as you bring people into your program, product or service, you can give them your customized email messages and the system will automatically customize the message for the new person and place the messages into their own email autoresponders.

The beauty about this is that they won’t have to write letters as they will be copying your success, doing exactly what you do and since it is working for you, it will work for them and poof–your business is off and growing.

But more importantly, it is these effective online marketing tools which give you the freedom that makes the whole online marketing experience so envious to those without. These tools will free you from hours or even days of tedious work and will do most of the work for you. Professional marketers know an investment in high quality effective marketing tools will pay dividends again and again… they also know it is the only way to proceed. PERIOD.

You can review the entire 12 Second Commute system absolutely FREE for a full 30 days. There is NO credit card required to get your account and if you decide that 12Second Commute is not for you, you simply cancel your account within 30 days or do nothing and it will delete for you after the 30th day.

Currently being offered is an Elite account for only $19.90/month–the regular price is $39/month, but this is for a limited time and only available during your first 10 days of your 30 day trial.

12 Second Commute 30 Day Trial

Angie Mitchell

My Blog

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Email Autoresponders (Part One) | 12 Second Commute ~ Angie Mitchell

You simply must have email autoresponders if you are going to succeed online, but you also need a reliable, powerful and easy to use autoresponder and that is just what you will get with 12 Second Commute. Please note that you cannot import any leads into the autoresponder as that will only produce spam. However those who succeed online don't waste their money buying useless leads anyway and with our online videos and conferences we will show you exactly how to build a quality and responsive list using the only email autoresponders you will ever need.

12 Second Commute is an online tool and opportunity center unlike anything else on the Internet. Regardless of the product or service you are selling, you must have tools, training and resources to succeed. 12 Second Commute will provide those tool, training and resources in an easy to use all inclusive system.

12 Second Commute includes all the following tools and resources in one easy to use account. We give you the convenience of having everything necessary to succeed in one place so you are not wasting your precious time and money bouncing all over the Internet to run your business.

Email Autoresponders
Ad and Link Tracker
URL Rotator
Capture Page Creator
Contact Manager
Downline Builder
Training Center for Newbies
Conference Center
Smart Page, Translation Area, and More

Today I'm going to focus stricktly on the email autoresponders.

This is where you will create new messages and edit current messages for any of your autoresponder lists. You can also add letter templates and edit letter templates.

New Autoresponder Message: After you have setup your mailing list, one of the next steps is to create your actual email autoresponders. Remember that messages are list specific so if you have 10 different mailing lists, you can have 10 different autoresponder message series, although you can use the same messages in all your lists if you're promoting the same thing and you just want to test different advertising.

When you click on the new autoresponder message link, you will come to a page where you can fill in your messages, choose one of the ready made templates, setup your message delivery options, add attachments to your messages and basically get your messages ready to go make you money.

View/Edit Autoresponder: Once you have setup your email autoresponder messages, there might be times you want to edit and update those messages and the View/Edit feature allows you to easily accomplish this task. You can edit any part of your autoresponder from this one simple interface.

Add Letter Template: While you have access to dozens of fresh and professional letter templates in your autoresponder setup section, we also realize you might want to create your own and if you do, you click on the Add Letter Template link and use the editor to create your own professional looking templates.

View/Edit Letter Templates: Just as you can edit everything in all other parts of the email autoresponders, you also get this ability with your own templates that you have created. The View/Edit letter template is the place to go for this and all edits are done in real time so you never miss an opportunity.

You can review the entire 12 Second Commute system absolutely FREE for a full 30 days. There is NO credit card required to get your account and if you decide that 12SC is not for you, you simply cancel your account within 30 days or do nothing and it will delete for you after the 30th day.

There is no risk. If and when you’re ready to upgrade, click on the Upgrade Options link next to the instructions link at the top of the page. Currently being offered is an Elite account for only $19.90/month--the regular price is $39/month, but this is for a limited time and only available during your first 10 days of your 30 day trial.

In my next article I will be sharing the email autoresponder special features.

12 Second Commute FREE Trial

Angie Mitchell

My Blog


About Me

My photo
I am a full-time Internet Marketer who's goal is to earn residual income and I'm looking to work with serious, dedicated entrepreneurs who want the most out of life and will do whatever it takes to get it! I come from a small town that reinforces the idea of living within your means, staying in the safety of your comfort zone (not earning residual income), and becoming a slave to the system that has chewed so many people up and spit them out. Fortunately, I was able to overcome the pre-programming and start my own business that helps others learn and share in the freedom and satisfaction that entrepreneurship delivers. I have become a creature that preaches mindset and mission above all else. No matter what the end result is that you seek, it will never be found if you don't believe it to be attainable.